Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Season 34 Cast Release Opinions

Hey how's it going Survivor fans! If you haven't been keeping up with the times lately, there has been a Season 34 returnee cast released. And like most people, I have some opinions. So I'll be going one by one to give an opinion on each rumored returnee.

Andrea Boehlke
Andrea is a very iffy choice for me. She has the potential to go all the way and win it all. She is a very smart player, but other people know this. Both games she's played she's waited too long to make a move. Her first time with Boston Rob's posse, she wasn't with people that wanted to make big moves. So she was kind of screwed there. Her second time in fans vs. favorites, she had a rough game. She played a very safe game with the Cochran alliance, and when it came time to make a move, she got played. I hope and I think she has learned from this, and I think if the voting block system is put into place, she will adapt well. I'm positively hesitant on Andrea and hoping for the best.

Brad Culpepper
I am beyond excited for Brad's second time. I voted for him in Second Chances even though I knew he most likely wasn't going to make it. He is a smart player. If you like him or dislike him, he made Blood vs. Water what it was. He utilized the new twist to weaken the veteran players. Now, he is the veteran. He is coming into the game already at an advantage because people want to take him to the end. He is portrayed as not being well liked and those who haven't played with him before may not see what he is capable of. But I can see Tony or Caleb or JT pairing up and going far. Or he will be seen as a threat and be taken out early. Either way I'm excited for him and what new aspect he will bring to the game. 

Aubry Bracco
Don't hate me when I say this, but I was not the biggest fan of Aubry last season. I think it was her story arc and how cliche it was. This is probably the editors fault for me not really caring for her. It was mainly the fact that she was made to look so weak so when she "started" playing hard, she would look amazing, when in reality, it was average gameplay. But I digress. She is still a pretty good player. I'm curious to see if she'll last because she is now in a more comfortable environment. But I am getting a Shirin vibe already where she'll be gone early on after making a big move. 

Caleb Reynolds
Oh, Caleb. This is kind of bitter sweet. I really, really wanted to see Caleb play Survivor. But because of his medevac, his time was cut short. I really wanted to see him again, but I was hoping for like a Philippines kind of season. It feels like he is just being given this spot because he was a fan fave that was mistakenly medevaced. And I feel kind of cheated because we are being force fed Caleb. I really like Caleb. I hope he does well and I think he will. I just feel like casting just put him in the first opportunity they could just to get him off their chest. Poor Caleb. I hope he proves them wrong.

Ciera Eastin: I'm pretty hesitant on Ciera. I loved her in Blood vs. Water. In Cambodia, she disappointed me. It seemed she was being hypocritical when saying people needed to play and yet she didn't make big moves. Kelley was the one that played, she sat back and did what she was told. If Ciera comes back, she NEEDS to bring back Blood vs. Water Ciera. This isn't second chances anymore, this is now her third chance. She has to find her game early on or she will be voted off. There are a lot of powerful players that will not take any drama or BS that the witches coven brought in Cambodia. I like Ciera and I hope for the best. I want to see her game evolve into the perfect game because I know she can do it. 

Jeff Varner
No way. Absolutely no way. I am so happy to see Jeff Varner come back. He deserved a third chance because his second chance was kind of unlucky. He dominated the first half. He was the one making the moves. And he hadn't played in years! And he took out Vytas and Shirin, both playing after very recent seasons. If it wasn't for that twist which put him an a losing team, we may have a different winner and different season of Cambodia. So Jeff Varner is amazing. If Cambodia was what we saw after 15 years of not playing, imagine how good he'll be after 1 year off.
Cirie Fields
So Cirie can go two different ways. We all know she is one of the best players ever of the game. But after Heroes vs. Villains, what is new for Cirie. These people know her game. She is dangerous. I need to see Cirie with a title. She deserves it. I want her to win but she has a rough road ahead of her. If she pulls it off this season, she will be top 3 best Survivor players ever. 

J.T. Thomas Jr.
YES! JT needs redemption. He can play this game well. He did it already and if it wasn't for Russell Hantz, JT may have had a good shot at being a two-time winner. He made some ballsy moves in Heroes vs. Villains and that is what I like to see. He was the first and only person ever to play a perfect game on his first go around. I hope it doesn't go bad again, but I don't think it will. However, I don't know what the theme is or what the tribes are. So once we get an idea of what the circumstances are, I can guess he is going to do well.

Debbie Wanner
Debbie surprised me last season. She claimed to be like Coach, but unlike Coach's first season, she played a very smart game that was more like South Pacific Coach. I think Debbie will do well. She may get on the returnees nerves, but she will last. She can either get an early boot or go deep. 50/50 for Debbie. I hope she goes far, because I genuinely missed her presence in Kaoh Rong. She'll keep the season interesting. I also cannot wait for the Debbie/Jeff Varner confessionals. 
Malcolm Freberg
Ahhh Malcolm. What fun he is. One of the only positives of Caramoan. His first season he was amazing. He was a great guy and a great player. His second season, he wanted to play. Imagine how AMAZING Caramoan would've turned out if Dawn went with Malcolm and Corinne and the fans. He was the only one (besides Corinne) of the favorites that didn't want an easy ride to the end. I hope he doesn't turn into an Ozzy where he knows he's good he gets too cocky. He's a good guy, a good player, and pretty entertaining. There are so many threats this season that Malcolm may slip on by to the end with an immunity run.

Hali Ford
At first glance, Hali Ford is an iffy pick. After watching Worlds Apart, I was like Hali is whatever. She was just recruited and probably will never play again. Then, a couple months ago, I was watching the Worlds Apart Ponderosa videos. Hali was talking about how she was a fan of the show and was disappointed on how she played. She wanted to be more strategic and play a better game. She was disappointed when Jenn came back and was happy to be gone because SHE wanted to play. That's the kind of attitude I like and the kind we didn't see in Worlds Apart. I hope Hali will utilize her second chance and I think she will. She could Parvati it to the end. No one would see it coming. Her first season edit portrays her as just another pretty girl, and hopefully her second season she'll show the world she's not just a pretty face. I'm rooting for Hali and I'm hoping for the best.
Ozzy Lusth
I have nothing against Ozzy. He seems like a great guy. His season 16 outing was a bit much, where he became very bratty. But in season 23 South Pacific, he showed he matured and he used Redemption Island to his advantage. This was very risky, but very smart. He learned how to play the game and not just win immunity. But I'm am super hesitant on whether Ozzy is worn out. As always, I hope for the best. Maybe, just maybe, he learned from his mistakes and fixed his game. But I don't think so. I'm guessing he'll make the jury, or just before the jury. 
Tai Trang

Ok Tai. I don't know yet. He is a very likable person. A great human being and he's not too shabby at Survivor. He can make live off the land and he is pretty decent at challenges. He also found an idol so that was pretty good. If he learned from his multiple strategic mistakes in Kaoh Rong, then he may be good. I do not know what the theme is this season. But I was hoping to see Tai in a Heroes vs Villains season so that his reputation isn't ruined by then. People like Tony or Cirie aren't going to take Tai's wavering decisions. They'll just get rid of him. So he has to be careful. 

Sandra Diaz-Twine
I cannot wait for Sandra's downfall. I did not think she deserved to win in Heroes vs Villains. Definitely in Pearl Islands, but an All Star season like Heroes vs. Villains, the "as long as it ain't me" strategy is a weak strategy to give to make someone a winner. I do not think people will let her stay long. I don't think she will make it to the jury. I think it would be pretty funny if she is the first voted out of the game. The only thing that I'd miss is her hilarious confessionals. I just want to see game play come out of her. If she shows up on that beach with a different strategy, I'm team Sandra. If she shows up and says "As long as it ain't me." See ya Sandra that's not cutting it. 

Tony Vlachos
Now let's talk about a real player. This guy is insane. He is probably Top 5 players to ever play the game. I don't think he's in trouble at the pre merge. I think he'll make it pretty far. He may even have a shot at winning, depending on who he aligns with. People know how he plays though. So this could be a hindrance to his game. But I think Tony is smart enough to maneuver himself through the game to a point where he won't be eliminated.
Sarah Lacina
Sarah deserved to be on Second Chances. She got screwed by this game. However, it was her fault. She should've seen that her actions were making Kass mad (which I still do  not understand). But in her elimination episode, she was kind of a brat. She wanted to be treated like royalty because if not, she'd go to the other side. I hope she learned from this. She had a lot of promise but that one moment of confidence cost her. I think she will do super well or fall flat. I do believe she'll make the jury though.

Troy "Troyzan" Robertson
Poor Troy. He wanted Second Chance so bad. He loves this game. He's a fan and I respect him so much. He's a great guy too, always participating some of the polls I post. I think he deserved better on his season of One World. If there is any guy on that season that deserved a second shot, it was him. He got screwed by Kim and Kim alone. None of the other girls did anything. Kim convinced him they were aligned and before he could retaliate, the only people that would make a move with him were gone. I want to see him play because I know he'll play hard. I wanted to see him on Second Chance but I figured he wouldn't get it because Seasons 22-24 contestants usually get drowned out. He will most likely make the jury stage. I hope he gets a chance to win, because it is always good to see a fan win. 

Sierra Dawn-Thomas
Last but not least, we have Sierra. Sierra is very iffy for me. She played a decent game that wasn't highlighted in Worlds Apart. She tried to play at the end of the game but it was too late. Maybe she can do some damage in this season because no one is expecting her to do well. I don't know how well she will be able to adapt to an All Star setting, but we will see. I have hopes for Sierra, but if she doesn't perform, it's no big loss.

I do know the Season 33 Cast members but I will not give my opinions on them frankly because I do not know anything about them. 

So that's it! That's the whole cast reviewed. I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing. 
As always, these are my opinions and feel free to share yours!

That's all from me!
The Tribe has spoken,

Twitter: @Survivor_Outwit