Hey Survivor Fans!
I've been working on two blogs recently, one is a Player Profile of a contestant and the other is this Top 10 list.
Since Second Chance, I've noticed the Survivor community likes to make lists of their opinion of players who need a second chance. I decided to do the same thing, but I narrowed it down to
The Top Ten Male Players with Pre-Jury Boots who deserve a second chance.
I started with a list of 23 and narrowed it down to 13. I gave three guys the honorable mention spots and the Top 10 list is ready to go. So without further ado, Here are the Top 10 Pre-Jury Boots Who Deserve a Second Chance (Male Edition).
Honorable Mention
Hunter Ellis: Season 4 Marquesas 14th/16
Hunter was one of the few people in the early seasons who not only went out for an adventure, but also wanted to play the game. He painted himself as the leader and his tribe respected him until an early Boston Rob Mariano turned a majority of the tribe against his alliance. If he was on a successful tribe to start with, Hunter could make it pretty deep into the game. He was too early of an exit in too early of a season to decide for sure if it would be worth putting in the top 10.
Brandon Bellinger: Season 11 Guatemala 10th/18
Brandon was unfortunate enough to be on a loosing tribe come the merge. When I watch I like to see contestants want to play and want to be there. I could see that in Brandon. There wasn't much strategy to his game but I would like to think with a second go, he would develop a better strategy.
Mark "Papa Bear" Caruso: Season 23 South Pacific 17th/18
As said before in Brandon's explanation, I like the contestants with a drive to play the game. Being one of the oldest player on his tribe, Papa Bear knew his days were numbered when his tribe lost their second immunity challenge. So he made a fake idol. He played it off perfectly, and in a season without returning players like Ozzy Lusth, he may have gotten away with it. I'd like to see a second go, but he'd need a good winning tribe to make it to the merge to really do damage.
Now for the Top 10
10) Anthony Robinson: Season 14 Fiji 13th/19
Fiji was a difficult season for some contestants. Half the contestants were basically dying due to the Have/Have Not twist which led to a basic "who's the weakest" strategy on the "have not" tribe and basically no strategy on the "have" tribe because they never had to. This continued to the merge. If Anthony hadn't been picked to be on the "have not" team at the tribe switch, he may be in the finals instead of Dreamz or Cassandra. He had a game going with Earl, but once separated he had no chance in the "bro" tribe. I'd like to see him in a fair season, where both tribes were living equally and see how his game play evolves from the basic game play in Fiji.
9) John Cody: Season 27 Blood vs. Water 13th/20
John Cody played in the first season of Blood vs. Water and he did alright. He began the game in a good position. Candice, his wife, was on Redemption Island and gave him a clue. Like most Survivor games before, he kept it to himself and shared bits of information with his alliance. Without Brad Culpepper, he may have made it far in the game, being tough competition against the veterans. He proved his physical prowess on Redemption, falling just short of getting back into the game. If John got a second chance, I think he could make it far. Possibly final five or four and he'd have to win final immunity to get in front of the jury.
8) Aaron Reisberger: Season 15 China 12th/16
Aaron had the Silas Gaither curse of an unfair tribe swap. He was chosen to go to the opposite tribe with just James as an ally. He had a comfortable alliance with Todd and Amanda back on his original tribe. His vote out episode was heartbreaking, at least for he. I felt so bad for him. He is one of the players that want to play the game and he gets taken out because his tribe threw a challenge. Granted, throwing the challenge was brilliant if it worked the way it was intended, but it didn't and Aaron is left to think of what could've been.
7) Joel Anderson: Season 16 Micronesia 16th/20
Joel ran the fans side of the game. He noticed that there was a "showmance" going on between Mikey B and Mary and quickly split that up. His game was overshadowed by the favorites game play. He was playing with a bunch of people who, in my opinion, were scared to play with returning players. He got risky in making an alliance with the favorites and that was his downfall.
6) Brice Johnston: Season 28 Cagayan 16th/18
Brice's vote out was due to the fact that there was only six people on a tribe. He is one of those early vote outs that was booted for the fact that he was a threat. He got too close with the girls and this led to his downfall. I would like to see a second round of Brice. He was good TV and was a pretty strategic player that left too soon.
5) Ace Gordon: Season 17 Gabon 12th/18
Ace appears on a lot of second chance lists and I can see why. He was aggressive and got too confident. The underdogs took him down. I didn't put him as high as some people usually do because if he did get a second chance, I feel he would play to aggressive again. He wouldn't have that Sugar to manipulate because the majority of contestants know when they are being played. (No offense to Sugar, I will do a player profile on her later) Anyway, Ace would be fun to see again.
4) Cao Boi Bui: Season 13 Cook Islands 15th/20
Cao Boi! He is such an underrated player. If you're watching Survivor today and you hear the idea of flushing the idol, Cao Boi came up with that. His downfall was he told Yul, the person with the idol. Cao Boi deserves a second chance to be able to play the game! His personality is crazy. He was great TV. And he had game. I need to see him again.
3) Brad Culpepper: Season 27 Blood vs. Water 15th/20
Brad was in the running to be in Season 31 Cambodia. I voted for him a couple times. I rewatched his season and holy crap he ran that premerge. He came up with voting out the loved ones of the strong players on the veterans team, hoping they would switch with them at Redemption. If it was a regular season without veterans, Brad would have been in control 100%. His downfall was voting out John Cody because this made him look untrustworthy. I wish he was on Cambodia so I can see his personality and his strategy evolve.
2) Silas Gaither: Season 3 Africa 12th/16
Silas was screwed. Plain and simple. He took part in the first tribe switch ever and he had no alliance members. He had a great position in his tribe and Survivor's twist messed him up. I know Silas makes almost all the Second Chance lists, and this one is no different. He is much older now and I think his game play will evolve from his already really good strategy.
1) Brian Corridan: Season 11 Guatemala 12th/18
I enjoy strategic games more than social games. But when there is a great social play, I think it's amazing. Brian manipulation of Blake is pure gold. Brian came into a tribe where he had no numbers and in order to stay, he made Blake seem so annoying that his teammates voted him out. It was great. Brian did nothing wrong in his game. It was an unfortunate swap and it didn't work in his favor.
Thanks for reading! If you want to discuss your picks, feel free to contact me!
Email: tropicalreviews123@gmail.com
Twitter: @Survivor_Outwit
That's all from me!
The Tribe has spoken,
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