Thursday, May 19, 2016

Survivor Kaoh Rong Finale Thoughts!

How fitting that my last blog post was about the Season 32 premiere and now I am talking about the finale. 
Time flies when it comes to Survivor, and these castaways delivered a pretty solid season. Following up a pretty excellent season of Cambodia, it held it's own. Although not it's not better than Cagayan, this sequel to Brains, Brawn, Beauty was a pretty solid season. It had memorable characters, decent gameplay, and big new twists. 

First things first: Cydney. She joined the ranks of Rob Cesternino, Terry Deitz, Cirie Fields, Kelley Wentworth etc., to make it so close, to play an almost perfect game, and get yanked out last second. But that's the game. Hopefully, on her second chance, she falls in the Wentworth and Cirie category. Rob and Terry didn't have too much luck. (And on her third time, hopefully it's not a Cirie category.)
Anyway, back to the finale. 

Reasons for why each player deserved to win. 
Tai: He was a genuinely nice person. He made some very stupid moves in his game, but it got him to the finals. His work around camp would gain some respect in the jury, but I don't think his game was strong enough to win.
 Aubry: In my opinion, Aubry's game was a lot easier than she let on. She had not one, but two extra votes. Neal and Joe were her tight alliance and when Neal left, she had Joe. So while Tai had his extra vote once, she was carrying a person as an extra vote. That's pretty good to me. But she did manipulate and I give her kudos for that. Without her manipulation of Tai, the final three may have been Jason, Scot and Tai. (Not complaining there; sorry. I'm #TeamJason) Anyway, her social game is what screwed her in the end. She did not make bonds with anyone that wasn't in her original tribe, and that's the only two that voted for her. She alienated Jason and Scot, which is two jury votes. So ultimately, Neal's cancelled vote for Aubry wouldn't have even mattered. She still played a hell of a game.
Poor Michele. She didn't get an edit until the editors realized she was the winner half way through the season. Her social game was insane. She was able to make alliances and keep them. She made genuine friendships with these people and it shows not only on the TV, but on social media as well. That game is so underrated. She not only kept tabs on the jury, but played a killer physical game as well, taking home multiple immunities and rewards. I think her game is underrated and as Nick said, "The jury loves and underdog."

Michele's Win:
I can compare Michele to a female Fabio Birza, Season 21, Nicaragua. Fabio played a quiet game, and played when he needed to play. I love Fabio and I love his win. Michele similarly stayed at the radar and played when she needed to. I think it is important to see past an edit and realize that there is more that meets the eye than some confessionals. Because Aubry had a story arc and everything. Michele got screentime at the end. 

The Finale
Not the best. The interruption of Sia was fun, until it got dragggggedddd onnnnnn. I wanted to hear Cydney talk! and Neal! and freaking Darnell! Come on Jeff! As much as an amazing person Tai is, I saw a lot of him, and I guarantee we'll see more so mind as well give the people who will probably never play again a chance to speak. Then the Price is Right plug in with the Dr. Joe... I saw maybe 3-4 commercials about the Survivor Price is Right show before Jeff addressed it at the finale so that was unnecessary. Also, Dr. Joe had plenty of screen time with the medivacs this season. OK rant done. 

Anyway, congrats to Michele. She DID deserve it. No one was robbed. Aubry just didn't have jury management. 

I cannot wait for Gen X vs. Millennials.Rooting for Zeke as an early favorite. 

These are my opinions and I welcome you to express yours as well!

That's all from me!
The Tribe has spoken,

Twitter: @Survivor_Outwit

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